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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

On Currency

CREAM Cash Rules Everything Around me. Wise words said by method man of the music group Wu-Tang Clan. Money is horrific. It is an ancient idea that unfortunately still exists today. Let me talk about what I use where I live in The United States of America. What we USED to do was to take a certain amount of valuable metal such as Gold, Silver and Platinum and store it in a secure location and print a sheet of paper representing a certain amount of that metal.

We do NOT do that anymore. In the U.S. we use a Fiat monetary system. That is there is nothing that backs the greenbacks. The paper is worth no precious metal because there is no precious metal.

So the question remains. What happened to all of the Gold, Platinum and Silver in Fort Knox held by the Federal Reserve when the system changed of from one where money had value to one where there is nothing that determines the amount of money to print?

Anyways I don't care about the Federal Reserve or the Gold. I AM interested in Gene Roddenberry (who wrote the Star Trek stuff). This mother fucker wrote. He wrote about the future of humanity. He wrote most importantly about a GRAND fucking dream. The dream of humanity overcoming the need to denote value to paper.

He wrote about a future where mankind had no NEED for currency! WHAT A BOLD OUTLANDISH PREDICTION! There are some strings attached though. Hunger, want, the need for possessions. These things were eliminated in Gene Roddenberrys world.

Sorry to say that currently capitalism is the best way to do things. People are driven by wealth. It is what pushes us and drives us to succeed, invent, cure, create. The reward of brushing your tongue against the sugar cube. But what of a world where people were more interested in benefiting humanity than getting rewarded for doing so? What a world it would be.

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