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Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am excited

I see such hope for the future of our world and our species. We ARE a great race! Humans ARE good. We are improving and moving forward to bettering ourselves. It is hard for me because I have a hard time waiting for things to change. I feel like I am living in ancient times. I am just amazed by what I see.

I think for me my biggest problem where we need improvement in our society is with Male/Female. I am a large advocate for female rights. I think mostly because it is the largest group. There are more females than males on the planet. There needs to exist no difference between male and female rights on the entire planet. This is a long ways off but would be a time for great joy among our species. I cannot imagine the level of technological advances a species of this level of equality would achieve. We are working on it. Like I said another time, it takes generations for change to come sometimes. The old retain power to the grave. But the grave will come. There will be a hole dug and a New leader takes charge, perhaps with newer views.

I wonder if the splitting of our genetic path into the separation of two sexes is a common occurrence throughout the Universe? Is it a rarity? Are there ways to repackage genetic information to continue the life cycle that we have not thought of? Can different types of evolution be classified as common or rarer? My shame is in wanting knowledge outside of my timeline.

Would intelligent species who self reproduce understand Love? Would they understand the amazing feeling of another person held against you? Would they live in isolation? For me as a human it would be unbearable without anyone, or at least the memory of a person to hold onto.

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