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Friday, January 29, 2010


It's evolution baby. So profound and so curious. From abiogenesis on up. Starts off so small just one little lever balancing back and forth. What I seldom see discussed is the end result of Evolution. The final product of evolutions masterpiece. How far can it possibly go? Is it still considered evolution of a species if that species takes evolution into it's own hands? And then maybe hands it back off again to the AI's?

Where does it lead to this little marvel that creates in the direction of advancement? To what end I ask? What can be our final goals as a species that determines it's own genetic makeup? How much data storage and processing power would be enough?

I once had a discussion with someone about disproving God logically. Lets face it without the added reward of living on forever in the afterlife how valuable would life be worth living if we all just had our memories rot away into the ground and there was never anything more. I am an Atheist and this thought destroys me. Not enough to let religion get a free pass from the Scientific Method.

Omipotence (unlimited power)
Omniscience (is the capacity to know everything infinitely)
Omnipresence (is the property of being present everywhere
Omnibenevolence (Infinite Kindness)

How close to ANY of these attribute can a species get? With the Universe being around for an estimated 13.4 Billion years and the first Galaxies forming less than a Billion years after the estimated formation of the universe that leaves some 12 billion years head start for other species to evolve and to self evolve. I wonder if any of them have attained any of these attributes?

It would seem that the greatest feat an Omega class intelligence would be able to perform is to retain the memory banks of all intelligent creatures that ever existed. Perhaps create some type of alternate dimension to store them all in. I would think any intelligence would come to the same conclusion about a complete loss of information at death. Your memory is who you are. It does not matter what your genetic makeup is. That is just a template. Your experiences and memories are what make you anything at all. To be able to listen to your favorite music in the entire world and then at the end of the song to have it deleted, and any memory of that song ever existing disappearing forever.

Pretty sad shit if you ask me. Fuck.

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