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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Greatest War

I feel emotionally that the greatest war humanity has ever waged was the war of change. The act of forcing someone to physically see your effort to enact change without violence. The act of a Protest.

Protest is something that I hold incredibly dear in my personal belief system. I cannot remember one time that the personalities inside my head have ever attended a protest unfortunately. The courage of unarmed humans to take precious time to stand together in unison to be heard as one voice. Usually facing off against armed police forces and conscripts wearing full tactical gear and weaponry to destroy the protest, and in some cases military detachments. I am very torn between enforcing the law which ensures that the systems continues to flow smoothly, and the people coming together unarmed with one voice to peacefully enact change.

In one sense protest is disorderly conduct in itself. BUT To have to ask permission from the Government to protest, in so many cases the SAME government that you are protesting!?!?! I say FUCK your protest paperwork. I say FUCK your March legalities. I say FUCK permission.

The police forces that are facing off against the protesters work for the same Government that the protesters are picketing.

Here is what I do not understand. Why do the protesters never fight back with non-lethal weaponry? Why is it in nearly every protest I see the protesters get their asses kicked by the police forces? Non lethal weaponry is just that, non lethal. If someone is shooting you in the chest with a beanbag round don't you have that same right to do it back to them?

Aagghg I see where we differ here friend! Call it assault against a police officer who was SIMPLY enforcing the Law, but I FIRMLY believe that during a protest the Protect and Serve Police Force becomes a completely different creature. When protests get out of hand and turn violent, or destructive THEN the riot police should come out in force but to ONLY deal with the people causing destruction. Otherwise it is simply a means to plant a spy to provoke an incident to squash the protest.

Blocking off traffic is not cause to fire canisters of tear gas, mace, and nightsticks. The Government at that point needs to step back and see that the PEOPLE want change and they want it fucking now. It must be pretty God Damned important for them to all gather together and request it. It is hard enough to get people together to help move furniture let alone change the way the Old Men have been running the show.

The old grow up young in one era, but times change and humans age. They try to rule from an aged throne with old ways and old laws.

To try protest with all of your person you need to fight back. There are nonlethal weapons that cause minimal pain and no injury. If EVERY protester were to show up with two water bottles filled with a super slick clear synthetic oil and throw it on the riot police. If EVERY protester were to show up in FULL Riot Gear with riot shields. If EVERY protesters were to simply stand silently and quietly ALL with rifles slung on their backs, with handguns in holsters.

Change would come INSTANTLY. One way or the other. Waiting for the old to die for change is nonsensical. Although no one can outlive an idea, sometimes it can take too many life's lost before the aged die.

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